Watercolor Studies and an Old Native American Prayer

This Native American prayer had such a profound impact on me when I heard it, that whenever I paint landscapes the words come back and form presence.

These words are so humble, you can’t help think of the resonant action, and how it rings with harmony.

island-watercolorTest Sunset Water_1DS waterColorStudy1


O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.

I come before you, one of your children.  I am small and weak.  I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in the beauty of the red and purple sunset.  Make my hands respect the things you have made; my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my people, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, myself.

Make me ever ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so that when life fades as a
fading sunset, my spirit may come into your presence without shame.

Mobile Floor Projection Belt – Invention – For Fashion or Just to Make it Look Like Your Walking on Fire

I found a company the other day searching around online for Arduino projects that created LED clothes: http://led-clothing.com/

The web site is full of inspiration, and you can get lost for hours thinking of possibilities for trade shows, special events, new business opportunities, web apps… you name it the idea will come to you when your clicking around at that web site.

It really made me think about the possibilities of wearable gadgets and about the future and potential for making things that we really consider as science fiction.  I’ve always admired the holodeck concept from Star Trek, but when it comes down to actually building something like the Holodeck the technology is extremely expensive, a little to high-tech and then there is the classical problem of the “human-plug-in” apparatus… The idea of putting something on your head, putting something on your hands, standing in a suspension cage, etc. becomes the classic hallmark of putting a person into a virtualized environment problem.

But then what about all of the new work being done in the area of interactive projector projects out there like the kind at Magic Carpet: http://sensoryguru.com/magiccarpet/

The basic idea of altering our environment to produce a desired outcome is an old concept and we can really see how technology is starting move us into this space in which we don’t have to have the physical object there but that the ability to have a representation of an object gives just enough visual to change perception.  Think about the ability to actually change your environment in a radius around your body, that others can see like the floor projection example above.

So I set out on thinking about a way create mobile floor projection… The idea is pretty simple, and could be updated by some really good hardware specialists to be a fraction of the size.  The visual effect of your shadow obstructing the light hitting the floor actually would be correct being that it would simulate light at high noon.  The basic premise is to have three possibly 4 pico projectors mounted to a belt, that would in effect project the floor as you walked.  You simulate games in which your jumping over obstacles, it could be used for training instances like construction sites, fashions shows, etc.

HERE ARE MY MOLESKIN SKETCHES: I submit this idea to Quirky so if you like the invention be sure to vote on it along with my other inventions. http://www.quirky.com/invent/738775/action/vote/query/sort=ending_soon&categories=all

